Evaluation process overview

Interns are systematically evaluated in all areas in which they work. Interns, in turn, evaluate their supervisors and the training program. This evaluation process, including both written and oral components, takes place in October, December, May, and August. Two evaluations of intern progress are sent to the student's academic program during the year, and the final evaluation is sent at the close of the year. The Intern Evaluation form includes supervisors’ ratings for the nine profession-wide competencies required by the APA Standards of Accreditation. Interns must also deliver 450 hours of direct service, which includes clinical service, outreach, and provision of clinical supervision.

Enrollment in an academic training program that requests additional training contracts and/or evaluations

If you are enrolled in an academic training program that requests additional training contracts and/or evaluations, these will not be completed by the University Counseling Service (UCS) training staff. Your doctoral program may choose to use the data from the UCS evaluations to complete their own forms. You are strongly encouraged to consult with your director of clinical training or the UCS director of training if you have questions about this policy.

Advisory meetings

Advisory meetings, during which the intern meets with all supervisors to review goals and progress, are held each semester. The supervisory team for each intern provides feedback to the intern and assists in generating methods for reaching the intern's goals.

Due process and grievance policies

UCS has several policies that protect the interests of the interns. These include the Due Process Policy  and the Grievance Policy.