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Body Image Eating Disorders Awareness
University Counseling Service works closely with the University of Iowa Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness (BIEDA) student organization. BIEDA’s mission is to encourage a positive, sustainable lifestyle through body image acceptance and eating disorder awareness to assist those struggling with identification of helpful resources.
BIEDA membership or activities are open to any student. More information can be found at:
Instagram: @uibieda
Facebook: @UIBIEDA
Contact: &

Active Minds
The purpose of Active Minds is to utilize the student voice to change the conversation about mental health on campus. Our mission is to provide mental health education and advocacy in an effort to increase students' awareness of mental health issues. Our organization accomplishes out mission by providing both students and the community with information and resources regarding mental health. We also encourage students to seek help as soon as it is needed, and we serve as a liaison between students and the mental health community. Through campus-wide events and national programs, Active Minds aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues, and to create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health issues.
Contact Information:

Heart Workshop
Heart Workshop is a student organization that focuses on students' mental health and cultural differences between Chinese international students and American students. We try to help Chinese international students adapt to new environments and new cultures. We share tips and knowledge about mental health with all students on our campus by organizing and hosting public events. We provide students who need help regarding mental health with reliable resources.