UCS implements an interdisciplinary approach to provide mental health services to currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate, professional, post-doctoral, and non-degree seeking students at the University of Iowa. Visit our appointments page to schedule an initial assessment appointment with a counselor.
Typically, a student’s first contact with the UCS is with a therapist serving in a consultant role who will collaboratively determine how to best meet the student’s needs. Common outcomes of this consultation appointment are a referral to group therapy, being assigned an individual counselor for brief individual therapy, or being referred to a resource on campus or to a community provider who can best meet the student’s needs. Additionally, the UCS offers same-day 30-minute brief problem solving/crisis management appointments.
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible for clinical services?
Currently enrolled students are eligible for clinical services at UCS.
“Current enrollment” is determined by your status in MAUI (the university’s web-based information system). See the question "It's summertime and I'm not enrolled in classes. Can I receive clinical services at UCS?" to see how we address summer eligibility, if you’re not enrolled in summer classes.
What happens at my first appointment?
The first time you come in, you will fill out some forms that tell us a little about who you are and what concerns you have. Then the therapist will meet with you for about 50 minutes to learn more about your concerns. At the end you and the therapist will work together to decide what comes next.
Can staff and faculty receive services?
UCS only offers therapy services to the University of Iowa students. Staff and faculty can receive therapy and referral services at Faculty and Staff Services/Employee Assistance Program (EAP). To learn more about their services, please visit the EAP website, call (319) 335-2085, or email eaphelp@uiowa.edu with questions. Staff and faculty are eligible for consultation conversations with UCS staff for concerns they have about students, or for scheduling UCS staff for programming services.

Individual Therapy
You and your assigned counselor will focus on resolving the immediate problems that brought you to the UCS and specific goals. Most students receive between three and eight sessions of counseling.

Group Therapy
Group therapy is also often the treatment of choice for students as interpersonal relationships commonly are the root of student concerns. Group therapy requires group screening before participation.

Relationship Therapy
University Counseling Service offers brief relationship therapy. This service is designed to address relationship concerns between people who are involved in an intimate relationship.

Our Case Manager can offer assistance with finding referral options, talk with you about your insurance coverage benefits, and follow up with you to make sure you’re getting the help you needed.

Eating Disorder Network
The Eating Disorder Network (EDN) is a collaborative group of health professionals from across the University of Iowa campus that have come together to offer services for the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. This multi-disciplinary team was formed in response to the growing number of UI students who were struggling with eating disorder concerns.