Time Management and Organization During Virtual Learning

An SDS and UCS collaboration offering tips and strategies on time management and organization during virtual learning.

coping skills plan ideas

Coping Skills Plan Ideas

Creating a plan to care for yourself can help you to cope ahead during this time. Everyone copes differently and finds different strategies helpful.

Creative Coping

UCS Staff Therapist Elizabeth Marilla-Kapp offers 4 creative writing experiments to try at home (if you have to stay there anyway).

Distress Tolerance and Self Soothing

Learn about mindfulness, distress tolerance and self soothing.  Create your own self soothing kit from items you have at home.

laptop and notpad with pencil

Mental Health Speaker Series

Coping during the time of COVID-19 is an uncharted, life-changing task for everyone, and it can make caring for our own mental health and the mental health of those around us a challenge. Check out our upcoming mental health presentations as experts share resources and strategies for coping in a time of COVID-19.

kognito suicide prevention

Kognito Suicide Prevention Program

Kognito is an online, interactive role-play simulation program for students, faculty, and staff that prepares users to lead real-life conversations with fellow students and colleagues who are in distress and how to connect them with the support they need.

grief and loss

How to Cope with Grief and Loss

Feelings associated with grief and loss can be overwhelming. Check out this handout to learn more about the grief process and what you can do to cope with the pain.

tips for concentration

Tips To Improve Your Concentration

Having difficulties staying focused? Try out these tips to improve your concentration!