University Housing and Dining and UCS have embedded therapists in the residence halls that are closer to where you might live, eat, or go to class.
While living on campus can be exciting and empowering, it can also come with many growing pains. Especially for those transitioning to college for the first time, living in the residence halls can present a number of new challenges like sharing a living space with someone else (perhaps for the first time), increased responsibility and autonomy, homesickness, and living away from your familiar support systems. Sometimes all of these difficulties add up, making it difficult to be successful and enjoy your college experience.
Sometimes it’s difficult to make the trip to the university’s counseling office. Fortunately, if you live in university housing, UCS has a counseling office available in Catlett Hall, conveniently located on the east side of campus, close to where many students live or attend class.
What is an embedded therapist?
An embedded therapist works within a community and has specialized knowledge about that community. As University Housing and Dining embedded therapists, we are familiar with common mental health concerns students living on campus often face. Our office is located in one residence hall, but we offer services and programs in all on-campus communities.
How can I schedule an appointment?
To schedule an appointment with one of our embedded counselors, please call 319-335-7294 or stop by Catlett Hall Room 304.
What Mental health services are available?
University Housing and Dining embedded therapists offer a variety of services including:
- Group therapy
- Brief individual therapy
- Consultation
- Clinical workshops
- Prevention and psychoeducational programs
What happens at my first appointment?
The first time you come in, you will fill out some forms that tell us a little about who you are and what concerns you have. Then the therapist will meet with you for about 50 minutes to learn more about your concerns. At the end you and the therapist will work together to decide what comes next.
What if I am in crisis?
In an emergency or crisis related to mental health, please utilize the following resources:
- CommUnity: 1-855-325-4296
- UIHC Emergency Treatment Center: 319-356-2233
- Contact the front desk of your residence hall to speak to a Residence Education staff member on duty.
- Call UCS at 319-335-7294 between 8:00 a.m-5:00 p.m. to request a quick access or same-day appointment.
Student and staff resources
Resources for residents
- How to Navigate Homesickness
- Living in University Housing as an International Student
- Managing Roommate Relationships
- Returning Home Again
Resources for RAs
Meet your counselor

How do I get to Catlet Hall?
Physical address
350 North Madison Street
Iowa City, IA 52242